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Water and gas utilities globally have deployed or are in the process of deploying smart meters.  The reasons are numerous most notably, water conservation, identifying and recapturing lost revenue from leaks and thefts, and reducing utility operating costs are key benefits beyond the primary interest in improving billing through automatic collection of meter indexes. Utilities need reliable, long-lasting wireless solutions that can be deployed , maintained, and operated reliably and efficiently 

Read this eBook to learn:

  • LPWAネットワーク技術、特にNB-IoT/CAT M1とLoRaWAN®が、カバレッジの最適化、ダウンタイムの防止、運用効率の向上に最適な選択肢となる理由 
  • How to extend the service life of battery-powered water and gas meters and reduce operating costs.
  • Ways to minimize impact of drive-by collection by truck rolls.  
  • Strategies to streamline water and gas bill disputes and improve customer. information to prevent resource leakages or abnormal consumption.
  • How to simplify development and deployment of meter device management  systems while ensuring security, reliability, support for key metering standards, and scalability.  

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